
We are at the dawn of a paradigm shift to the Primacy of Consciousness.

Until science can agree on a solution to the hard problem of consciousness, it is up to each and every one of us to awaken and make up our own mind. As Albert Einstein said, “The Field is the sole governing agency of the particle.”

“The Field” is the ocean of consciousness that we are contributing to every moment of every day with our thoughts, emotions, beliefs, perceptions, attitudes… it’s our consciousness, our personal energy broadcast. Think of your body as a communication device and clothing for your consciousness.

Your life experience in the outer world is a reflection of your inner world, your consciousness.

Hello and Welcome!

My name is Linda Oliver, more than twenty years ago I began a personal quest to find an answer to this question:

If love IS the answer, why is there so much suffering?

At that time two people I love very much were suffering, in excruciating pain in two different countries and I desperately wanted to help both of them but felt helpless and thus began my search for solutions. 

After many years of “connecting-the-dots” I published my book, The Universe is a Dream Machine but sometimes we don’t believe it, that’s why our dreams can’t come true, launched the Luminous Living Academy and created this site to share the answers and solutions I discovered. 

Yes! Love is the answer!

Our world is universal love made visible but we do not yet fully understand the world we live in.

We are the ones making the choice for love or annihilation, and everything in between with our thoughts, emotions, beliefs, perceptions, attitudes… moment, by moment, by moment.  It’s our consciousness, think of it as our human operating system. 

Every loving thought is a transforming influence and life enhancing, every negative thought is life depleting.

I believe we are here to awaken to the possibilities for personal development; to grow, develop, evolve and in the process share the unique genius, gifts, skills and talents we have been given to share and make our world better place.

What makes You come alive? Share that. If every person has the opportunity to bring their dreams to life, we could transform our world.

All of my life I have been aware of Weltschmerz or world-pain so it was no surprise that when I began my training to become an Attractor Field Techniques Practitioner in 2005 I discovered that my highest channel of stress was Grief. The ability to neutralize the Attractor Field of Grief and experience the larger body of work of the AFT: Attractor Field Techniques has transformed my life. Since then I have been on a mission to share AFT with the world.”
Linda Oliver, Consciousness Coach