
Your life experience is a reflection of your consciousness



Life is to be lived from the inside out…
when you realize this, everything changes.

“The universe does not work in the ways that we have been taught.
It is time to awaken and to learn the truth.”  R.K. Ebert, PhD

I once had the privilege of attending a lecture by Brian Swimme, Cosmologist, he said:

“The Universe “out there” is nothing to the universe “in here”

Both mystics and quantum physicists alike share this view: cause is in the non-material.

What we experience is the effect, not the cause.
We have been looking in the wrong place.

We are being called to AWAKEN and shift our consciousness at this time of conscious evolution. Now is the time to awaken to your own true nature and be authentically You.

Life is consciousness made visible. Every moment of every day we are contributing to The Field, to the ocean of consciousness that we live in. The single most important thing you can do to transform your life and our world, is raise your consciousness.

Raising your consciousness will reduce your stress.

After many years of “connecting-the-dots” what has emerged for me is a new picture of reality where The Universe Is A Dream Machine but sometimes we don’t believe it, that’s why our dreams don’t come true.

The tragedy is that we may have inadvertently used the creative power of our minds and to create lives that feel more like a nightmare than a dream.

I created my book The Universe is a Dream Machine: Bring Your Dreams to Life, the dreams given to You by Life as your highest inspiration.” to be a handbook for freedom, freedom from overwhelm, freedom from stress and freedom from limiting beliefs. Freedom from the prison of your own mind.

I ask you to suspend dis-belief and explore the possibility that “there might be another way…”

Life is consciousness made visible; when you know this everything changes.

This is an extraordinary time to be alive on planet Earth.

Visit the Luminous Living Academy to explore our programs to shed conditioning that we have been exposed to, that may still be running our lives!