The Real You

The Real You. Who Are You, Really?

Who are you really? An amazing lecture given by Alan Watts a British philosopher, writer, and speaker. Speech extract from “Does it do you, or do you do it” by Alan Watts, courtesy of “Know Thyself”  Who Are You, Really? Do We Have A Crisis of Identity to “Know Thyself”? Who are You, really? […]

Truth Dawns On You

We have not been encouraged to BELIEVE that we can bring our dreams to life and so our life may feel more like a nightmare than a dream. Imagine You were born to bring your dreams to life, your highest inspirations. Imagine if 7 BILLION people brought their dreams to life. Imagine 7 BILLION dreams […]

What is the Self?

We are so much more than our physical bodies as Chardin said: “We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience.” Pierre Teilhard de Chardin. Who are You, really? To “Know Thyself” is a gift, click here to discover Your Values, Your Strengths, Your Communication Style and […]

What is Your Self Image?

What is Your concept of yourself? Do you believe you are… capable? Do you believe you are… worthy? Do you believe you are… enough? How do you change your self-image?  Start by changing your beliefs. I created this handbook for freedom to show you how to transform your blocking beliefs: The Universe Is A Dream […]