The Great Change

The Great Change by Richard Rudd, Author of The Gene Keys:

The Great Change — A phase of evolution in which all systems within our universe will make a quantum leap into a higher dimension. The Great Change refers to a specific time period in which human awareness is moving from being self-centered to being collective. In order for this shift to take place a worldwide genetic mutation is underway within the human species. This unprecedented event is taking root within humanity between the years 1987 and 2027 and its repercussions will continue to evolve and transform our species for many hundreds of years.

The result of the Great Change will be the gradual dawning of a new kind of human, Homo sanctus, the sacred human. Because all systems and species throughout the universe are holographically interconnected, the Great Change is not local to our solar system alone, but is one part of a vast ripple passing throughout the immensity of spacetime.

The Great Change: Entering The New Epoch

The Great Change: Becoming a light during turbulent times

Gene Keys Glossary of Empowerment

In the introduction to the Gene Keys Glossary Richard Rudd says:
“Each word contains an empowerment, as does its description, so that as you contemplate these words and their deeper meanings as well as their relevance to your life, they may over time help you to raise your own frequency.”

By Richard Rudd:

The following Glossary, found in the back of the Gene Keys book, is designed as a contemplative tool in its own right as well as a reference for understanding the Gene Keys terminology. Each word contains an empowerment, as does its description, so that as you contemplate these words and their deeper meanings as well as their relevance to your life, they may over time help you to raise your own frequency.

The Glossary also operates in a holographic way, so that one term appears within another. The more words you therefore contemplate, the deeper the wisdom moves within you and the more clearly you will see the overall vista. Eventually the words themselves and their meanings may become embedded in you as a field of higher remembrance that transcends the language itself.

Consciousness — Consciousness is all that exists. As the source and creator of reality, it is indivisible, omniscient, omnipresent and omnipotent. Consciousness does not necessarily involve or require awareness. It is the ground of all being and non being.

Frequency — A means of measuring the vibratory nature of radiant energy such as sound, light or even awareness. The central premise of the Gene Keys Synthesis is that you can alter the frequency of light passing through your DNA, thereby speeding up or slowing down the force of evolution itself. Through deep contemplation on the 64 Gene Keys and their teachings, you can raise the frequency of your DNA and thus change the vibratory frequency of your aura, coming into higher and higher states of harmony with the universal field.

Frequency Band — In the Gene Keys Synthesis, the vibratory rate of your aura is mirrored in three frequency ‘bands’ known as the Shadow, the Gift and the Siddhi. Although there are in fact many layers or bandwidths of frequency, this threefold language makes the Gene Keys simple to understand, contemplate and ultimately embody. The three frequency bands are laid out precisely through the Spectrum of Consciousness — the linguistic map of the 64 Gene Keys and their frequency bands.

Homo Sanctus — Literally, the ‘blessed human’, Homo sanctus is the new human emerging into the world. Catalysed by the ‘Great Change’, Homo sanctus is the new genetic human vehicle. Although this new human may have the same genome as the existing model, it resonates from birth at a higher frequency due to subtle mutations that are taking place, primarily within the solar plexus system. These mutations allow the activation of higher coding sequences within our DNA, which essentially make the vehicle immune to the Shadow frequencies. Homo sanctus represents what many mystics have termed the emergence of the ‘Sixth Race’ — a universal human who experiences directly the holographic unity of all beings through his or her solar plexus and heart. Homo sanctus will emerge in the world gradually as a worldwide genetic mutation over many generations. The dawn of this new human will in time bring an end to the current age in which human beings have forgotten their true universal nature.

Transmission — A higher field of consciousness whose sole purpose is to penetrate and awaken those aspects of itself that still remain unaware of their greater reality. Most transmissions assume the form of a teaching or set of teachings that enter the world exactly when the world is ready to receive them. All transmissions follow natural ‘fractal lines’ as they spread throughout humanity, bringing with them a higher order of consciousness. Even though transmissions may take the form of words and practices their true nature lies shrouded in mystery. The Gene Keys Transmission is a part of the wave of awakening generated as the Great Change is felt in the world.

To continue reading The Glossary, visit:

“If you move against evolution at a time such as this,
you will meet an 
opposing force whose power is incomprehensible.”
59th Gene Key

The Algorithms of Awakening at the PAWA conference in Paris. Richard explores Unlocking the Genius in Your DNA, our changing times and the origins of the Gene Keys.