Your Worldview and Your Wellbeing

We know there is nothing solid in the world, that everything is energy and information and your body, solid as it appears right now, is 99.999% space.  There is a connection between what you believe about yourself, what you believe about our world, and your place in it.

Let’s explore Worldview and Wellbeing:

world-view, n.
A set of fundamental beliefs, values, etc., determining or constituting a comprehensive outlook on the world; a perspective on life.  (Definition from the Oxford English Dictionary )

What is your perspective of Life?  
Please take a moment now to consider your perspective:   Life is___________

“Is the Universe friendly?”  Albert Einstein
once said this is the most important question as person can ask.
What is your response to this  question, is the Universe friendly?

Yes or No?
My answer is YES!

Imagine holding this Worldview:
The Universe is a Dream Machine …but sometimes we don’t believe it, that’s why our dreams can’t come true!

“Our beliefs are not only self-fulfilling; they are world-building.”
Dr. Gabor Maté

well-being, n.
With reference to a person or community: the state of being healthy, happy, or prosperous; physical, psychological, or moral welfare. (Definition from the Oxford English Dictionary )

What is your self-concept, your self-image? How you see yourself matters.
Please take a moment now to consider your experience of wellbeing:   I Am___________

Research shows that 95 to 99% of our life comes from programming in our subconscious mind, that means our subconscious is using programs that may not support our wishes, desires and dreams.  Programs may have been installed before we were 6 years old!  Align Your Beliefs with the Beauty of Your Dreams.

Are there any areas of your wellbeing or worldview that could benefit from an upgrade in perspective, belief and consciousness?

We when we change, we change the world.

It was a revelation for me to discover that our beliefs create our reality!  This discovery happened for me in 2005 during my first training session to become a Practitioner of the Attractor Field Techniques, AFT.

AFT: The Attractor Field Techniques is a 21st Century path to change.

AFT is an energetic and spiritual approach that can be used to work with:

  • Physical Illness
  • Pain Disorders
  • Emotional Problems
  • Spiritual Development, and
  • Self-Actualization

AFT is dedicated to:

  • Helping people to eliminate their own suffering
  • Free yourself from the crippling effects of addictions as well as emotional and physical ailments
  • Helping people reach higher states of consciousness with access to increasing resilience, resourcefulness, happiness and eventually enlightenment.
  • Tapping the AFT formulas requires no supervision to apply, they cannot harm you in any way and there are no side effects.

The Belief Change Technology that I share in my book is one part of the AFT system, please explore our programs at the Luminous Living Academy especially the Quantum Wellness program.

“Behind everything manifestly evident are energetic attractor fields which precede manifestation. For better or worse, we inadvertently tune our own energies to be in accord with these fields through our thoughts.” R.K. Ebert, PhD

“Failure, suffering, and eventual sickness result from the influence of weak attractor patterns; in contrast, success, happiness, and health proceed from powerful attractor patterns.” David R. Hawkins, MD, PhD

““They themselves are makers of themselves” by virtue of the thoughts they choose and encourage; that mind is the master weaver, both of the inner garment of character and the outer garment of circumstance, and that, as they may have hitherto woven in ignorance and pain they may now weave in enlightenment and happiness.”
James Allen in As A Man Thinketh

When You  are ready to let go of your Limiting Beliefs
Download your FREE gift eBook here:

What You Believe Is What Is What You Get!

In 1998 I began my quest to find an answer to this question:
If love is the answer, why is there so much suffering?

After many years of “connecting-the-dots” what has emerged for me is a new picture of reality where The Universe is a Dream Machine …but sometimes we don’t believe it, that’s why our dreams can’t come true!

I ask you to suspend dis-belief and explore the possibility that “there might be another way”
… that what you believe is the secret to loving your life.

Life is Calling us…

to be who we were born to be,
to bring our dreams to Life,
to act on our highest inspirations.

Life wants to be lived, to emerge through you, as you.

Download your FREE gift eBook here:

“Man is belief expressed.”  Dr Joseph Murphy

“Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve.” Napoleon Hill 

“As A Man Thinketh In His Heart, So Is He.” James Allen   click here to read this book book online

“When nature has work to be done, she creates a genius to do it.”  Ralph Waldo Emerson

“Everyone has been made for some particular work,
and the desire for that work has been put into every heart.” Rumi

“What a man can be, he must be.” Abraham Maslow

The mental Universe article in the Journal Nature ends with this:

“The Universe is immaterial — mental and spiritual. Live, and enjoy.”
  ~ Richard Conn Henry

Professor in the Henry A. Rowland Department of Physics and Astronomy,
The Johns Hopkins University

Henry, R. The mental Universe. Nature 436, 29 (2005).